Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Casual (Eternal) Life

Again, I am intrigued by the Luke 10 passage of the Good Samaritan. I am intrigued because the Samaritan was portrayed as being almost casual in his helping the victim of a robbery. The good deed appeared to have been almost woven seamlessly into his everyday life. He seemed to scarcely miss a beat and he certainly didn't quit his job to fix the Jericho road. No heroics here.

What I'm hearing is that those who "inherit Eternal Life" don't have to stand out or be heroic or special or exceptional (just an aware business man)or belong to the right church or belong to the right political party or be smart or have given his money away to the poor or be anything. He just listened to his heart, helped someone in his path and went about his business.

And God says that this man was inheriting Eternal Life by listening to his heart and helping someone in his path. Hmmmmm.


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