Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Napping in the Sun

I've been listening to people on Facebook bemoan the fact that they can't be like pets that nap leisurely in the sun. And I'm thinking, why not? Why not curl up in the sun and take a nap? I took a metaphoric nap in the literal sun this morning - lots to do but the house was quiet, and sitting a spell and watching the leaves stream across a mowed meadow was irresistible (and oh, what magic the Warm Breeze Fairies brought from Happy Land!)

My mother had an ornery streak and whenever we moaned that we had to do such and such, she would challenge us by asking what would happen if we broke our leg! The point she was making is that there are very few things we have to do. Like I said, she had an ornery streak.

So we really could decide to literally curl up in the sun and take a literal nap. Yes, everything would go to hell in a handbasket . . . but what if you broke your leg?


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