Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shimmering Shout of Glory

Not only are we significant as individuals, but we are also significant corporately. We are part of a larger picture. The analogy that comes to mind is the analogy of a sparkle on the ocean. Sometimes when I see myself as a sparkle on the ocean, I can imagine being concerned about how wide my sparkle is, whether or not my sparkle is growing or if my sparkle is diminishing, whether or not holes are appearing in my sparkle, which direction I am drifting etc. And because I can't stand on the shore and see the shimmering shout of glory that the mass of sparkles produce, I forget that I am not ultimately the point. What I am part of is the point - together we reflect the glory of God. Who I am is eclipsed by what I am a part of. So if your present day sparkle doesn't make sense from your point of view, remember that a further day grouping will.


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