Friday, March 9, 2012


When I listen to my thoughts without editing them, they tell me more than I want to know about myself.
For instance, the other day, I listened to myself (internally) comment about an owner and their pet. The (embarrassing) thought was ... "Dear Pet, if you only knew what a loser your owner was, you wouldn't be so carefree and so happy!" (Yes, it took a lot of courage to admit that I actually had that thought and even more to let others know that that thought actually went through my (not so?) lovely mind!)

But oh how helpful it was. All animals have what is called a "non-dual" mind. One characteristic of a non dual mind is that they accept life without judgment. The pet doesn't judge the owner as ugly or fat or poor or stupid etc. The pet just adores the owner (especially if he feeds him) and accepts him as he is.

I am walking towards training my mind to be "non dual". I love watching all the pets in this world who are teaching me this lovely paradigm shift.


At March 23, 2012 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honesty is always refreshing. Thanks. Gary

At March 25, 2012 at 8:21 PM , Blogger Robin said...

How did your comment get through? People keep on complaining that they want to comment but can't get through. I am too ignorant to help them.


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