Friday, July 6, 2012

Exquisiteness Descended
(As you watch this, notice the children's responses - especially "Zaccheus".  . . . and there was even a "Peter" in the crowd - watch as he says "wow," or something similar)

As I was watching this (Som Sabadell flash mob), I was overcome with the thought that this presentation was so like our God. He is always offering totally normal people in the midst of their totally normal lives, exquisiteness. There were babies and dogs and balloons and umbrellas and church bells ringing, all deemed an appropriate setting for exquisiteness - totally free, without strings attached, without any requirements following the " blessing" - just joy descending. Joy that is Himself unconfined, unrestrained, bursting because he has to burst, expressive because he has to express.

Some kept going, some stopped, some danced, some climbed light posts, some listened solemnly, some listened smilingly - this is the way humanity responds to the Transcendent when the Transcendent decides to linger.

I want to be a part of the Orchestra that beckons the Transcendent. And if I can't be a part of the Orchestra, then I want to, at least, be a part of the crowd.


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