Friday, June 8, 2012

Different Truths

One of my more recent "theories" is that about a third of humanity is born with these Little Engines Running Inside Them and about two thirds of us are attracted to those with Little Engines Running Inside Them. We are attracted to their energy the way moths are attracted to light.

The wonderful thing about Centering Prayer is that it helps both groups of people. The ones with Little Engines Running Inside Them need to learn how to "tone it down" and the ones attracted to them, learn that, lo and behold, we actually have our own Little Engines Inside that simply need a little encouragement. We have to learn how to own and use our Own Little Engines.

So Centering Prayer is like an interior magnifying glass - it magnifies the part we need to grow towards in order to live abundantly, which decreases our tendency to use the magnifying glass externally on others.


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