Sunday, June 5, 2011

But/And/Or/ Maybe

So I'm watching a Flash Mob Dance in Belgium on UTube and I'm wondering why my spirit gets so happy/excited about these kinds of things. Part of it is just me, I'm sure, because I love to dance.

But . . . maybe it's because Flash Mob Dancing "fleshes out" an underlying truth that there is an underlying music that we all dance to. And the unconscious part of us knows it and then lo and behold, what we've always suspected actually happens in front of our very noses!

And . . .  maybe it's that we all want to dance together with strangers in a harmonious way.

Or . . . maybe it is affirming the whimsical part of life that gets so shunted to the side - the lightning bug- butterfly-baby-part of life.

Maybe . . . it allows us to make-believe/pretend that there are some things in life that we don't have to work at and they just appear whole and ready made.

Whatever the case, the day might come that you turn on UTube, and there I'll be . . . Flash Mob dancing in Belgium!


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