Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Am, Therefore . . .

One of my goals is to be consistent at Centering Prayer. Centering Prayer is like an artist sitting down for 20 minutes for the sole purpose of not painting a picture. It is really hard to keep that activity up because there is nothing to show as a result of being faithful. At least if your goal is to read through the Bible, your book mark moves!

In fact, the "better" I become, the "worse" I become. When you first begin, you position yourself to stop your thoughts. But you are so bad at this, that you end up stopping your thoughts maybe 3 times the whole 20 minutes because you become so engrossed in your thoughts.

Then, as you get "better", you stop your thoughts 100 times in 20  minutes because you are "better" at not letting your thoughts go so far.

So the whole thing is very odd and very good because no matter how "good" or "bad" I am, the brain is reluctantly getting the message that "I (do not) think, therefore I am".


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