Sunday, November 30, 2014

Demanded Love?

"Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God . . . "

Not quite sure why ...
And as many times as I have read this command ...
Never has it struck me as ludicrous.

But today it did!

And here's why. Since when does love respond to a command!!!
And surely God (who is love) knows that!

How can Love, demand love, knowing that Demanded Love is not love at all?

So what is going on here? Maybe it was an Authoritative Era's way of saying "when you experience love for God in your heart you will know you are on the right track."  Maybe that was an astoundingly unique thought in a world where gods were capricious and ridiculous and were known for demanding your first born in exchange for behaving.

Maybe, the vulnerability of a god saying, "love me" (even if it was in a gruff, masculine sort of way) was without comparison!


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