Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Experience of Those Who Grow

So when I started meditating, I felt like I had climbed down my Ladder of Life and was standing at the bottom of a new Ladder of Life.

I was learning from a whole new set of "guru's".

I felt discouragement, like I had spent my life climbing up the wrong ladder and that ladder was leaning up against the wrong building.

That is all well and good when you are in your 40's.

That is not all well and good when you are in your 60's.

Or is it?

As I was mulling over these new set of circumstances, I sensed that the reality is more along these lines: there are  no ladders, period.

And if you insist on there being "ladders" in your life, then the rhythm is that everyone who at the top of a ladder, the next step (if they are growing) will be to climb down and be at the bottom of another ladder.

"The first will be last and the last will be first".

That is the experience of those who grow.


At May 1, 2016 at 3:12 PM , Anonymous Vicki Paxton said...

Yes- I'm 59 and 4 years ago found myself at the bottom of a new ladder- I walked away from the ladders and started walking labyrinths! I love your blog and was excited to find an enneagram connection associated with a church!thank you for your post. I love it and hope to visit NRCC when i am in town. (we own a condo in Bishop's Park. i am here @ 2 weeks a month) Hope to meet you brave lady!


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