Sunday, April 19, 2015

Too Big, Too Small, Just Right

I was watching a Netflix movie called "The Summit". It is a movie about climbing K2, the second highest mountain in the world. And in it, one of the alpinist said, "Sometimes you dream too big and sometimes you dream too small and sometimes you dream just right."

Something inside of me smiled when he said that.

Normally, I experience shame around dreaming too big. If we did that as children, we were told we were "too big for our britches". My adult version of that is that I concocted wax wings and flew too close to the sun. In other words, I should have known better or shame-on-me-for-being-presumptuous.

Recently, having experienced "dreaming amiss", I am observing my disappointment and shame.

But when the alpinist said that, I thought, "But of course ... that is what we humans do: "Sometimes we dream too big and sometimes we dream too small and sometimes we dream just right."

Good for us!


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