Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Prepare Him Room"

So much of wisdom has to do with timing, not with the virtue or veracity of one's ideas. In the movie, "A Royal Affair", the physician, Count Johann Friedrich Struensee, had many good ideas, but he lacked wisdom in the area of timing and it resulted in his death. He had no understanding that people have to expand slowly.

Great blessings must be adjusted to, absorbed only slowly. When it happens quickly, the recipients are often destroyed. Intuitively, the recipients know this and resist reform until they are ready to absorb the responsibilities that come with blessings, that come with new ways of doing life.

Today, who would argue with "the abolition of torture, the abolition of unfree labor, the abolition of the censorship of the press, the abolition of the practice of preferring nobles for state offices, the abolition of noble privileges, the abolition of "undeserved" revenues for nobles, the abolition of state funding of unproductive manufacturers, the introduction of a tax on gambling and luxury horses to fund nursing of foundlings, the ban of slave trade in the Danish colonies, the rewarding only actual achievements with feudal titles and decorations, the criminalization and punishment of bribery, the re-organization of the judicial institutions to minimize corruption, the assignment of farmland to peasants" etc. - all things that the physician abruptly put into play in Denmark in 1770! The military, the noblemen and the peasants all resisted him and ultimately, his lack of wisdom concerning timing was his death.

God very slowly expands our souls to be able to absorb great Truths. We come into the Light slowly. We need time for our eyes to adjust to Light. We must prepare a place for Truth and that takes time. Without a context commensurate to its content, Truth will be vomited out.


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