Imagine this scenario . . . you and God are sitting at a table and God is all happy to see you. So God asks you how you are doing and you say, being the good Christian that you are and hoping to impress God, "I am seated with God in heavenly places," and God laughs and He says, "Hmmmmm and all this time, I thought you were sitting across the table from me. No seriously, how are you doing?" And you say, not to be deterred, "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live." And God laughs again and says, "I could swear that you were sitting across the table from me and you are telling me that you are dead! Okay, but how are you?" And you say, "Yet not I but Christ liveth in me!"
At this point, God could keep going but what is the point?! Do you think He might be mumbling "Can we just have a conversation? If I wanted to talk to Christ I wouldn't be asking you how you are doing!"
There is a time and a place for building our spirits up by quoting Scripture but there is also a time and a place for intimacy with God. Sometimes we are so detached from ourselves and from our God that we end up having one-way conversations. God save us from one-way conversations.