Sunday, February 28, 2010

Silent Gifts

I was sitting at my computer this morning when all of a sudden I felt the eyes of my 1 year old granddaughter on me. She was silently standing beside my chair, looking at me with adoring, expectant eyes. I startled, wondering how many minutes of treasure I had missed. I immediately thought about how many times God had looked silently at me with adoring, expectant eyes and I had missed His gaze. I prayed I would be more aware of His silent gifts, resulting in a blessing for us both.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Bad Romance

I just finished reading the book, The Sins of Scripture, by John Spong, the Episcopal Bishop of Newark before he retired. I thought his line of reasoning entirely reasonable. I could see how the Bible could be what he proposed - a faith epic. I also thought it took as much faith for liberals to believe their "beliefs" as it does the conservatives, which is fine with me. So maybe the Bible is like Jesus - fully human and fully divine. So if the Bible were a song, the divine part would be the melody (spirit) and the human part would be the words (stories). But a more interesting metaphor would be that the Bible is like Lady Gaga's song "Bad Romance." There are parts of that melody that make me want to worship God, but some of the words and images make me go "gaga."