As I enter the last fourth of my life, I'm aware that I have not become the guru I had (humbly, or course) envisioned for this phase of my life. In my shaming state, I remind myself of several peers who have become gurus. If I stay in that state for very long, my body slumps and my day becomes listless.
I am acutely aware that these dreams probably had their life source in my ego. And, because I no longer wrestle with my ego and shame it for existing, I decided to gently exchange my death-giving thoughts (rooted in my ego) for life-giving thoughts (rooted in the Spirit).
My life-giving thoughts consist of the following: now I envision me traveling across the USA in a train and at every stop along the way, someone comes out and tells me, "Welcome. You are right on time!" In ego talk, that translate to . . . you are perfect.
And I ask myself, "If you knew you were perfect, what would you be thinking?
"If you knew you were perfect, what would you be doing?"
"If you knew you were perfect, what would today be like?"
Gone is the slump.
Gone is the listlessness.
I love the strength I feel when I give myself the gift of life-giving thoughts.