Salt Shakers
"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth." (Matt 5:13) I'm going to propose something that is only partly true. But the part that is true, is truly true. What I propose is that as salt-like agents, we make the good flavors that are in the people around us, even better. This could manifest itself as drawing out from the people around us, "goodness-es" that they are not aware they have. We take who they are, and reflect back to them a better version of themselves. As salt agents, we can genuinely see their God flavor and draw it from them. Isn't that what people do who love us? Don't they always make us look better than we know we are? Isn't that what Christ does? I think Christ does this for the just and the unjust. I also think it makes Him happy when we receive/agree with His better-version-of-ourselves-assessment of us.