Loving Me
I have a habit or a tendency to make inappropriate cryptic remarks. Of course, in the moment, I justify it by telling myself that I am speaking "the truth" and that people need "the truth". Of course, I haven't gotten the most wonderful response from my gifts of "truth". And so, being the wonderful-but-not-stupid person that I am, I've been working on this tendency.
And while I've made progress, I have noticed how Loving-Robin weaves into this process. One of the ways this happens is that I have begun to exit situations that I know I will not be able to resist the temptation to say something. Use to, I would stay and tell myself I needed to learn to resist the temptation. The premise was, until I learn to resist the temptation in the moment, I had learned nothing at all. Now, because my love for Robin continues to grow, I don't remain in situations where I will have to struggle to keep my mouth shut. I simply exit. I love Robin too much to stress her!