Intentional Cuddling
Today, I found a sunny spot in my house, moved the furniture so that I could "curl up in the sun", and . . . curled up in the sun. And as I curled up, my thoughts went to cats and how that is what cats do - they find the most cuddly of spots and cuddle with themselves and with the sun. And when one observes cats snoozing in sunny spots, contentment seems to ooze from their furry paws.
With cats, it comes naturally. With humans, it doesn't come so naturally. We bypass a hundred invitations to cuddle or we fall for a hundred cheap imitations of cuddling. Jesus says if you choose to be an Intentional Cuddler with Him, the Son won't be taken from you (or at least, that is my rough translation of his conversation with Martha and Mary - Luke 10:40).