The Bad Movies We Subject Ourselves To
Some of the groups that I am a part of use the phrase, ".... or at least, that is the story I am telling myself." We say that in the context of how we experience life and tell our opinions and share our reactions etc. And it is a very helpful phrase. It reminds us that the way we experience life is often nothing more than "the stories we tell ourselves". (Implying that we can change our stories if we want to change our lives)
But I have gone a step further and given myself another metaphor. This metaphor is that my thoughts are not only stories, but movies that I produce and then sit down and watch.
So as I was falling asleep last night and thinking all the thoughts I think, I asked myself, "Is this the movie you want to produce and then sit down and watch?" And the answer was no, I would not pay to go to my "movie".
So as I was falling asleep, I practiced "being present". I shifted my point of reference from my head (thoughts) to my body. I shifted my point of gravity from my head to my gut and stayed there. And even though "being present" is a new practice and even though you will never see me on UTube as a master at this or teaching this (not having been at it for years), I can still benefit as though I were a master.
I turned my movie off.
I was present.
Good enough.
Or maybe very good.