Give Thanks
My curiosity was quickened after seeing Google's celebration of the 200th birthday of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales. So I Googled Brothers Grimm and while reading about their lives, I was reminded of the great blessing we have of having enough to eat.
"Jacob (Grimm), who was still financially responsible for his mother, brother, and younger siblings, accepted a post in Paris as research assistant to von Savigny in 1805. On his return to Marburg he was forced to abandon his studies to support the family, whose poverty was so extreme that food was often scarce. Wilhelm (Grimm) wrote of their circumstances, "We five people eat only three portions and only once a day".
This morning, I knelt on the floor (it seemed appropriate) and thanked God for my cup of coffee, for the soil that grew the coffee bean tree, the nutrients in the soil, the rain that fell on the soil, the sun that grew the plant, the hands that tended to the plant, the governments that stayed sane long enough to allow people to work, the inventors that invented the machines that transported the beans, the business people that give us their gifts of management, and the people that serve us all along the way.
When my children were at home, we use to give thanks before every meal.
I miss that.